Saturday, 16 April 2011

Our own compost

We are preparing the beds in the tunnel, ready for planting seeds. This year we have a good stock of our own compost. Today we sieved 2 barrow loads. its a lovely rich brown colour with a super texture and body.

Wildlife pond

Not sure how the frogs are doing. We had a look at the waterlilies today and they are showing signs of life.


I'm minding 7 tomato plants. 3 cherry, 2 plum plus 2 others.
3 have been potted on and hardened off and are doing fine in the tunnell.
The next 2 are doing nicely and getting ready for the tunnell.
but the final 2 still in the kitchen and are very tall, leggy with only a few branches. I hope they work out as they are the ones from the organic centre.

Earlies planted...

We got 2 drills of early potatoes planted today. Last year our fertiliser of choice was poultry manue but this year we're going with seaweed. Each little seed sat into the seaweed and the scraw sat back down on it.
32 chitted potatoes planted a bit more than a foot apart.